Thursday, June 26, 2008

ABC Tag...

TAG ABC's is a way of "getting to know you" better! Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Jeena
C-Cake or Pie: niether but mostly pie
D-Day: i luv thursdays!
E- Essential Item: chapstick
F- Favorite Color: i luv sunset colors! any of those!
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: i like the sour gummi worms :)
H-Home town: tree city texas!
I- Indulgences: i luv buying shoes or eating icecream
J- January or July?: july for many reasons...i luv summer and also its the month of my anniversary and my birthday!!!
K-Kids: Shelby Kai
L-Life is incomplete without: family and road trips!!!
M- Marriage Date: July 17, 2004
N- Number of Siblings: omtg...way too many!
O- Oranges or Apples: yummi oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: im closterphobic...even my feet are!!! that how u spell closterphobic? hahahahahahaaaaa!
Q- Quote: "i luv talking about nothing, its the only thing i know anything about"
R- Reason To Smile: to make shelby smile
S- Season: hot and hotter summer...or fall...
T- Tag Three: anna, janelle and jeena
U- Unknown fact about me: i hate it when people sneeze in their hands and wipe it on their pants...
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: i dont like to think like that....its lame...i eat what i want when i want it
W- Worst Habit: going to the grocery store naked...i always get in trouble...
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: none...i never care if im hurt cus im not a poo poo cry baby
Y-Your favorite food: italian~spagetti n meatballs
Z- Zodiac Sign: cancer

Thursday, June 5, 2008

shelby kai peed on me

i was sp tired last nite i dont even remember walking to my room to go to bed. i was watching lilo and stitch with shelby and i guess i feel asleep and probly slept walked to bed! haha! any way heres how the nite happened...

i woke up in a sweat which i would soon find out wasnt sweat. i was thinking man i am sweating so bad but i feel chilly and i continued to stay under covers. that was the first time i woke up but thru the nite i keept getting these wierd wiffs of pee and im thinking hmmm it must be like a sign i better go pee because i had to really bad anyway. as i am rolling outta bed i roll into a big wet spot and i think what is this?! i smell it and immediatly knew it was pee! i think to myself "did i pee n bed?" i mean what would u think if u woke up and there was no little shelby in ur room so u thought. since i didnt pee i shook cody and asked him if he peed in bed. he was like "what?" all grumpy and thought i was playing around. i told him i was so serious. i was so confused cus shelby wasnt in our bed and i didnt see her in the spot she normally sleeps beside our bed when she gets scared at nite. i dont mind if she comes in our room at nite but i just about never let her sleep in our bed. she has a pee pee protector for her matress and we dont so its our rule we have for her.

as i was on my way to the bathroom i looked in her room and noticed she wasnt there either. i started looking around for her and sat at the edge of our bed when i saw her. she was half way under our bed. i think she peed on me and then was like eww and got outta our bed!

and guess what else? i found out that cody knew she was in our bed the whoe time! that dummy!!! he says he didnt care cus if she peed it would be on myside...i will get him back ;~D

Monday, June 2, 2008

DiNnEr TiMe...

Today was a cute day for me. I went to the mall and even though shelby drove me nuts wanting to push the stroller or get in and out of it, she still managed to make it all better by being so preciously cute and innocent!!! When i was trying on a couple of items she checked her self out in the mirror. the next thing i hear is "oh no!! mommy i have polka dots on my face and on my nose!" i looked down at her and she was pointing at all of her little freckles! i told her that they were'nt polka dots. it was so cute and funny of her....

Then tonite me cody and jeena along with her daughter and mine went to yummi papadaux's! it was alot of fun. this time savanah drove jeena nuts and i got the break. savanah did not wanna sit still in her seat. she screamed until we took her out. luckly she liked cody and he was able to keep her happy off n on. at dinner cody also tried to trick me into eating fried oysters, but hey! i dont roll that way! gross! he said that they tasted like a combo of mush and a sponge...that doesnt sound pleasant to me! haha!

I also just remembered...i dont know how i could have forgotten either :) that we had too much fun at galveston! YAY!!! We all got pink except for our precious little girls. we buried cody....i could never get buried...i feel like i cant breathe just thinking of it!

me n shelby had fun playing n the surf while cody bounce around in the waves to far in for cutie pie shelby to go. we had tons of fun there...i mean who wouldnt! :~)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day...

This was my first mother's day without my mom. it felt different because i couldnt hug her, see her but i knew she was there...i visited her and brought her favorite flowers which are pink roses. I miss my mom so much and today was a huge reminder that she isnt with my family anymore. i was a little stronger this time visiting her...through time i know my heart will heal. my personal mothers day was nice though cus we spent the day lounging at the pool and catching sum sunrays! then cody made me yummi dinner. shelby is a little pink despite the fact that we slathered her with the highest sunblock over and over! she is so fair skinned!!!
It was such a pretty day today too! just like last year! i remember my mom sat outside in her wheelchair waiting for everyone to come over...she loved mothers day! and i helped her pick out what jewelry she wanted to wear. some days i cant believe she is really gone and it takes me back to the day she left her body. i know she is happy forever and she isnt hurting anymore...i just miss her:*(

Thursday, May 1, 2008

my kitten...

OH EMM GEE! my kitten Lilly is driving me insane! she attacks my ankles anytime i try to walk around and sometimes even when i am sitting and i make a sudden movement! not only that she scratches the bathroom wall which now is so bad we have to paint! she also does this to my couches which i havnt even had for a year! its so horrible! i cant wait till she is a big chubby more laid back cat! She has way too much energy for me...i buy her toys and things to scratch but she seems to get bored to easily or something. if i try to pet her and cuddle she just wants to bite my fingers and play. i think next month i am gunna get her declawed. just the front paws though. i think that would help me out, she is an inside cat anyway...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i luv reading this prayer. sometimes i dont even view it as a prayer but more like im just reading encouragement to myself! yay! :~)

serenity prayer

Thursday, April 24, 2008

my crazy transformers dream!

this morning i woke up around seven to help cody with his mohawk~since the baby cant do it his self and then shelby woke up. so we went to watch that cute little show sponge bob. we fell asleep somewhere along the way during the cartoons. and guess what we didnt wake up until like noon!!! we were so sleepy i let me get to the crazy ness in my dreams!!!

i felt like i kept hiding from people in my dream. i was hiding under a bed with cody and shelby in one part of my dream scared "they" would find us. it was like a war zone were i was and i was scared shelby would get scared and start crying and give our hiding spot away so i cuddled her close and covered her mouth...i finally got outta the situation but now cody is no where to be found for a little bit and i end up at this school. i was walking the halls holding shelby still and just trying to take a path i thought i had taken many times before though it still looked unfamiliar. i passed by my sister jeena and she smiled at me but i just kept walking like i was unable to stop and say hi. i felt drawn to go to the back of the school. all of the sudden i hear shelby say there is daddy...i see cody and he has on a collar shirt which is odd because if he is picking me up after work he usually looks like he just got off work. he looked very nice. i frowned wondering what is this? did he get off early and just leave me here to wait all this time...he says dont get in the car just yet......u know what im gunna skip gunna shoot to the really wierd stuff.....

all of the sudden there are lions and tigers and bears running loose all over town! they werent just any kind of animals either...they had a curse on them for being eveil and they would transform back to human only after they fed on human flesh. this presented a problem for everyone ofcourse. u didnt know who was who or if sumone was changed without u knowing. i ended up in a room fighting with people and all i wanted to do was hide again. at one point in my dream a lioness and her cub got hold of my hand. eeryone i knew was around me and i was screaming in pain. i wanted help but all they did was stand there and watch. i kept asking them to help me but it was like they were scared of me all of the sudden. the lionesshad the biggest part of my hand and the cub had my thumb...the cub ended up pulling open most of my flesh from my was the most painful thing i have ever felt in my seemed so real...i saw everything....even the tendons...ewww! just when i thought wow my hand is being eaten and im gunna die here someone came over and scared the lioness and her cub away. she was just a girl tho so i didnt understand??? so wierd! she was nude and had rhinstines covering her body in like a worrior yet girlie princess way...the stones were cascading down one side of her body starting from her collar bone and on her face they cresented it....

when she came into the scene i wondered y could she scare them away when she is just a girl...i ended up locking myself up in a room with her with shelby too and soon found out. she was one of them...she didnt want to be. she kept hgging me and i starting thinking she needed me more than i needed her. i was scared cus by now she had told me who was cursed and who wasnt and i would see them change and feed and become normal again...she wanted me to help her but i was running outta time...

i stared at her and realized she was me...i looked at her body and it was mine! she was getting restless and hungry and still didnt want me to leave. i knew she could change any minute but i kept talking to her telling her how much i loved her and wanted to stay with her. she didnt change, tho she was acting frantic. i told her i would be back...i suck out a window with shelby so the other "animals" wouldnt see me...when i was outside of my room i saw others that werent just the animals i named...they were evil mythical creatures like griffiths and dragons....i found some green apples. they were very sticky...i ran back to were i was hiding and tried to shut the door but i wasnt fast enough. i gave her an apple and she starting changing again but this time i woke up....i wonder what would have happened!!!

i wonder what would have happened...the craziest thing is seeing a girl but she is me...i dont know the whole dream is crazy!!! what do ya'll think...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Playing Tag

I'll answer the 8 questions and then tag three or four more people at the bottom who I want to hear the answers from! Then they'll do the same. YAY!

  1. What were you doing ten years ago?

Desi~hmmmm...i was 13 hating seventh grade! but i do remember this was around the time i got my first cat lucky! i was walking outside to get in my dad's car to go to school and i saw her so i started saying "here kitty"; she prance right on over! And this is about the age i started getting into tanning!

Cody~he was also 13 and he lived in wyoming! tumble weed land! he was doing sports! surprise surprise! i didnt even know that one and he broke his collar bone playing basketball!

2. Five things on my to-do list today~

Desi~clean, get shelby a bath, go to the store, change the kitty litter and make dinner...pretty simple day for me! :D

Cody~go to work, sale sale sale, give desi money, buy her flowers, pick up desi's dada!

3. What snacks do you enjoy?

Both~we luv popcorn, chips n salsa...cody luvs cookies but i dont and we also luvthose yummy little boneless buffalo wings! well i dont like the bone in them but cody does but its pretty much the same thing!

4. What would you do if you suddenly became a billionaire?

Desi~I would buy me my own yummi island and build one of my houses there! then i would build a tiki hut style drink booth on all the fun beaches so everyone could order yummi tropical drinks on the beach from ME!!!! but i would work at them ofcourse! i would pay off all debts of my family and close houses for everyone...donate to a charity of my choice that probablyhas to do with kittens!!!

Cody~he would save it and make money off it and live off the intrest after buying houses cars and companies...

5. Three bad habits...

Desi~gossiping, losing kittens, annnnndddddddd jumping to conclusions!

Cody~smoking, cussing, and late for work alot

6. Five places I have lived...

Desi~Texas, Wyoming, Utah....hmmm i need to move more!

Cody~evanson and Rock Springs Wyoming, Texas, Utah

7. Five jobs I've had...

Desi~ Woodlands Pavillion/Papa John's, Mervyns,Benton's Bistro, Buy Yah Kah

Cody~Sales person, MSR, Mechanic, Fast Food, Movie theater

8. Five things people dont know about me...

Desi~i am an aspiring author, i have a ring stuck on my right hand, i luv astrology, i am lactose intolerant and i hate it when people sneeze in their hands and they think its okay! Grossssssss!!!!

Cody~he luvs cats hmmm he is an open book...cant think of anything!

*I would lik to tag Jenna and Kimbo*

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

chalk buddies!!!

im the pink one with the little head! haha

happy day

shelby forgot her precious little doll at my sister's house today! thank gewdness she had me take a picture of her with it earlier this afternoon! hahaha! welp we went to my sisters house and hung out there to share our fun family news! then we started to draw chalk buddies! than was fun! sum how tho jeena decide my head was extra tiny and i drew her head so huge! dont know how that happened! but she mad me short as he and didnt slim my waist i have wierd bulges! my sister josette said they could be my boobs but guess what they dont fall tot he starting to think im a wierd whale!! hahaha jk!!! neway so i am also starting on my hollywood diet tomorrow! gotta shed sum water wieght to jump start my cute diet. good bye yummy food! sooo sad! haha!
neway shelby has been very obsessed with makeup and her little phone! its so cute. i havnt taken a picture of her doing the makeup thing yet. i should tho. mental note! im trying to teach her how to spell her name. she is stuck on thinking her name starts with an "h" tho! its driving me nuts! cant wait till she gets it down tho! i will feel more like a wizard for teaching her...or a genius! hahahaa inside joke!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

april fools ideas

me and my sandwhich best pal jeena were bored and started thinking about things we could trick our husbands with for april fools day!! i only came up with lame ideas like buying a replica of my favorite lilly plant and acting like i got mad and rip it up so cody would think that i was insane ripping up my real one but i got made fun of for that idea by cody and jeena! i think it sounds good, but i guess not! neways i have been trying to come up with other ides but i am blank. im so boring! i want it to be a prank that unfolds right before his very eyes cus if i call him or something it wont be very believable. come to think of it i have never done an april fools prank! no wonder i feel so lost!!! maybe i can act like me precious kitty lilly ran away and hide her somewhere and he will see me teary eyed and sad...but that sounds cheesy too. dern it!!! y cant i think of something?!!! hmmm.....

Friday, March 21, 2008

all my cats

cody just recently got me a cutie pie kitty to help cheer me up. she is white and fluffy and so soft! i luv her so mucho! so far everyone wants to borrow her or wants my kitten to spend the nite with them. that s how slinky soft and pretty she is! i mean seriously have you ever had a kitten that everyone wanted! her name is Lily.

anyway she is my eigth cat i have had since i have been with cody and i have been with him for five years. it doesnt sound good but for some wierd reason they always run away. or the one before had to be put down cus she got a very bad infected tail and when i adopted her it was already bad but i thought with my loving care i could nurse her back to health! my point is that now everyone is like what are you doing with another cat!

hahahahahahahaha! and now that i am actually thinking about it they do always run away! maybe i am petting them too much like elmira from loony tunes! i dont know! now i am so paronoid that lily is gunna run out the door when i have is open for more than thirty seconds! She better not run away! i am so nice to her! i even take her a kitty bath to make her smell good. and i buy her tons of toys!!! and yummy kitty food!

yeah also one of my sister inlaws said "why dont you get a pet that cant run fast like a turtle or a hermit crab?" so i had to tell her about poor little bob barker that died in wyoming. so sad. he was the cutest little turtle ever. i would always let him walk around my house and he would follow me slowly into rooms then i would let him play in the tub. he was tiny. but bob got lost and ended up getting dried out :*(

well i am getting tired of typing and my kitty keeps attacking my legs...ttyl

Saturday, February 23, 2008

oh my total gosh! i cant sleep!!! i wish i was such a lazy but i am wide awake...ususally being on the comp. makes me bored so we shall shelby is up with me!!!! what is she and i doing!!!! i mean she isnt sleepy enuff to make me put her to bed...oh welllllllll one nite of her staying up at this hour should'nt hurt...i have so many accounts allll younder on the net i am starting not to be able to keep track of them! me n cody argued today but we quit because we decide we didnt really know what it was about other than we are sleepy grumpers! i took a fake tan today too and thought i was gunna fall asleep which i have done before at darque tan for 45 minutes! how embarassing still! neway im bored of typing....jeena you should make me breakfast but remember me n cody sleep in every sunday! hahahaha! luv you gal pal!!!!

eeek! scary dreams!

i keep having such wierd scary dreams!! the other nite cody and i were in a house looking around as if we were going to be buying it and i just had a creepy feeling. we started walking down the hallway to a back bedroom and had left shelby in the front of the house on the livingroom couch. well before we could even ge to the bedroom door we heard shelby crying in that room! i was like what this is impossible and we both new we did not see here walk past creepy! so cody pushes the door open and there shelby is crying in that room. she was sitting in a chair faced in a profile postion. cody started to go over there so i grabbed his arm and said cody! thats not shelby! and he slowly continued to go over to "her" and she turned to look at us. she sounded like shelby and looked like her all besides her cry sounded aged in a sence yet still like a three year old and she had dark cirlcles around her eyes, she just looked so tired and also had that aged apperace on her face....the next thing we know after i said thats not shelby and cody still is walking to help her i hear shelby say behind me in the hall way "mommy im scared" cody and i realize the girl in the room isnt shelby....i told him i wanted to get outta there and started backing up while holding the real shelby in my arms! such a scary dream cus it had to do with ghost and thats scary but on top of that it was a child ghost and my daughter!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

good times

yesterday my sisters and i plus our cutie pie daughters got to go to the butterfly museum. i have been waiting to go there forever. i think i wanted to go there more than shelby tho! ha! i got sum pretty cute pictures of sum butterflies but not too many of shelby cus she couldnt sit still easpecially with all of them flying all over us! it was cute! mkes me wanna get my butterfly tattoo color redone cus now i feel like mine is boring and faded :(

hmm and someone also was wearing a tank top and i saw there were really long spidery like legs under their arm. i took a second look and saw that this girl somehow slipped her mind and decided to wear a tank with unshavened armpits! hahahahaha! how embarassingly gross! jenna you saw it! remember?!! ha! :O

anyway, the day before yesterday i drove my cute little niece crazy! she is about to be four. i watch her sometimes and i forgot what she did but i was so hyper i was like thats it i am calling the cops! she kept saying "nooooooo :(" but i got on the phone and called codylicious and he was like "hello" all usual, and i was like "cops!!!?" he immediatley started playing along :P and was like "yes this is the cops" so i said "i need you to come pick a bad girl up" he goes on to say "can you give me a description....." lalalaa neway basically now my niece is scared of cops and my sister was like you batta say sorry. i was like duh i did i told her i was the one that paid her fines to keep her outta jail! such a meany! but it was funni! still is too! at least she still likes me though and still ask to spend the nite so i guess it wasnt too traumatic.....