Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Dream

Early this morning i had a dream that i was walking through a house holding a baby that wasn't mine but i felt the need to protect it like it was my own. The baby was wrapped in a white blanket and i never saw its face. i walked past a room i knew i didn't want to enter and could feel its power brushing against my face like wind making me feel uneasy. i held the baby closer and before i knew it the erie power i felt tingling my face felt like hands pulling me in. i tried to stand and force myself back but i slipped and fell on my back~the room pulled me in. i felt paralyzed and couldn't move or speak. i wanted to roll over and hide the baby from the evil presence i felt there but couldn't. so i started to pray for protection. i didn't know what was happening, all i could do was lie there. the only thing i had power over was my thoughts. i prayed so hard for help and just like that i was wrapped up in a cacoon... then i woke up....isn't that a weird dream?! i always have the weirdest dreams. i feel its meaning could be i am trying to protect a pure/innocent part of me; which the baby symbolizes; from falling into anything wrong/temptation/sins and the room being just that. the paralyzed feeling is me feeling helpless, the cacoon is my protection, my praying and me waking up is my strength i gain thru it. maybe its a suppressed subconscious thought too. Wat dew yew think? analyze my dream for me purty please : )

Friday, April 16, 2010


April 13th at approximatley 8:20pm my cutie pie Shelby Kai lost her first tooth =) We have been waiting for about a month now since we first noticed it was loose; Shelby is overjoyed it is out. Me on the other hand, i was so happy until it dawned on me that she doesnt have her "babytooth" any more and that she is growing up faster than i realized : ( It was my bittersweet moment. But in all i am still happy for her. It is still taking sum getting used to seeing her talk or smile with that little gap, its kinda funni too. Anyway, let me get down to the toothfairy visit details...

Cody and i knew we would leave her a dollar under her pillow, but i ofcourse wanted to spice it up. I had writted that short story i enterd into that harper collins contest and got an idea because of a line i wrote "...magical glitter kiss..." and in the story i imagined fairys leaving glitter trails where ever they went! So i thought it would be fun when Shell was sleeping to sprinkle glitter under her pillow around her shoulders and actually just kinda all over her. I wanted to add to this fairytale we tell her and that she believes in right now, which worked. She woke up and i will never forget the look on her face! She was in happy shock with her mouth dropped to the floor hahahaha! She didnt know who to hug because the real "person" she wanted to hug was the toothfairy haha. Here are the before and after shots literally a couple of minutes inbetween!

Dont let the first picture decieve you, her tooth was seriously horizontal when she opened her mouth, it only it propped up my her lips haha!
Cody and I enjoyed seeing her so happy. Its fun thinking about the memories of being a child, how innocent they are. Can you imagine if we as adults could hav their innocents and faith that sumthing was real. It is very hard as adults to trust in faith with a pure heart like a child...
Hmmmm, now i cant wait to see the look on her face when she finds out the toothfairy is a fairytale ; ) wonder if it will look sumthing like this~

Too many lols! This picture is part of a little photo session she had with herself. In her spare time she enjoys taking pictures of herself, and other things~ceilingfans, her toys, jasmine, her feet to name a few = ) And this was one of my favorites and it works well with this entry!
My little girl is growing up <3

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shelby~Car Model in the Making

March 28th was a small car show for the corvette club in houston. Ofcourse cody had to go and he took shelby =) i was working so i missed out. But here are a few of my fav pictures that were taken....

Cody giving a thumbs up to this reeeel nas car~guess its a corvette~hahahaha

Hood up~arms u! and look at that cute belly! makes me wanna squeeze her

Shelby matches this car~she makes a rally awesome car model! best one ive ever seen and ive seen alot in codybears dumb car mags and calenders! lols and winks is another good one. cody hearts cars....

Ofcourse there had to be a mustang involved haha! I love you Cody and Shelby!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Neat Find....

i was at my dads for a bit today with shelby visiting. i kept hearing her and alyssa laughing and screaming in the other room so natraully i told em ta pipe down! haha well finally i go to see what all their fuss is about over a "butterfly" they say they found. this is what i find shelby holding!

isnt it neat!!!! it was like vibrating on her arm, she says "mommy its cold, thats why its shivering" she is too cute! and brave cus i didnt want to hold this moth! eeeek! this is called a luna moth, and this particular one is male. it is still in my dads house high up on the ceiling. cant reach it without a ladder.

here is a close up of the luna moth shell was holding. isnt it pretty! i love how brave she is...could be because she thinks its a butterfly lol, but i do know the next door neighbors little girl is scared to hold a butterfly so i say she is brave = ) and guess what eles?! shelby made me the bestest braclet in the whole wide universe! im gunna wear it forever!~or as long as it doesnt fall apart!
thank yew shelby kai for my braclet! i love you!!!!! =)

Friday, March 12, 2010


I havnt been able to blog cus i dont like blogging with out packtures! i had lost my usb cord to easily load my pics onto my computer. Obviously i found it! Three cheers to that cus i was about to start crying.
BUT thats not the fun news imma share, last week while enjoying a very purty sunny day i saw sumthing fall from a tree from the corner of my eye. When i went to go check it was a curled up black swallowtail butterfly!!!!! it was sooo neat watching it barley unfold its wings. they were very limber at the moment because it just came out of its cacoon! so i took care of it until it could fly away : )

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentines, hives, and a man that makes me smile!

when you think of valentines day you usally think up flowers choclates or breakfast in bed...mine started with hives! at first i thought maybe something bit me and i was looking at my hip when i realized welps were forming right before my eyes! i jumped up and went to the bathroom to get a better look cus i was having this itchyness on my arms now too. well thats when i started crying cus i didnt know what was happening. i was like "cody whats happening to me boo hooooo" he jumped up and we headed to the er only half way there we decided what if they just send me home with an over tha counter creame! so i was like take us to wally mart cody and if it gets worse at least we know we tried sumthing...long story short, it got waaaay worse. i looked like i got boiled and burned everywhere but my face. but here is a packture of one of my hives when they first started forming early that morning....
we spent the day together, cody shell and i just hanging out. couldnt do too much cus i was in discomfort, but cody did work on a project and i got in over 7 miles that day. shell got her first valentine from a little boy named caden. i just saw she was saving the card in her stuff lol! she is so cute, she showed me it and said "mommy this says my name shelby and that says caden! I am not in love with him!!" she says making a face!

Very cute, i just may save this valentine for her myself so we can remember her first one! he is a sweet little boy like only 3 or 4, shell usually likes to torment older boys like around 10 or 13 hahaha! Now, i have a speacial treat for everyone!!! cody for sum reason stopped on this chanel trying to sell a cd that had songs from the sixties on it...all the hits that are from that time. you will never guess who was promoting this sale of this!!!!! This man makes me smile everytime i look at the pic i saved in my camera! (yes i took a pic of him on the tv w my camera!) and now you can come see him hee on my page when u need a smile!

and p.s. i still have hives! 3rd day! not as bad so im in luck they will be gone i hope by tomorrow!!! hope everyone had a fun valentines day : ) i still did!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Cookies : )

Shelby and i made valentine cookies! It was a pre made kit so there was no dye to mix in any icing, no cookies to cook and no cookie cutters to use! I know its cheating but i am a simple kinda gal! plus if i made cookies they probably would have turned out flat!!! i have issues with cookies lol. (for sum reason they always come out flat)

Now are'nt these the cutest little cookies u have ever seen!!!!? I mean look at those happy faces! have you ever seen sucha happy face? a more happy to know ya?! hahaha P.S. they were yummi too : )