Thursday, June 26, 2008

ABC Tag...

TAG ABC's is a way of "getting to know you" better! Each player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then go to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

A- Attached or single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Jeena
C-Cake or Pie: niether but mostly pie
D-Day: i luv thursdays!
E- Essential Item: chapstick
F- Favorite Color: i luv sunset colors! any of those!
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: i like the sour gummi worms :)
H-Home town: tree city texas!
I- Indulgences: i luv buying shoes or eating icecream
J- January or July?: july for many reasons...i luv summer and also its the month of my anniversary and my birthday!!!
K-Kids: Shelby Kai
L-Life is incomplete without: family and road trips!!!
M- Marriage Date: July 17, 2004
N- Number of Siblings: omtg...way too many!
O- Oranges or Apples: yummi oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: im closterphobic...even my feet are!!! that how u spell closterphobic? hahahahahahaaaaa!
Q- Quote: "i luv talking about nothing, its the only thing i know anything about"
R- Reason To Smile: to make shelby smile
S- Season: hot and hotter summer...or fall...
T- Tag Three: anna, janelle and jeena
U- Unknown fact about me: i hate it when people sneeze in their hands and wipe it on their pants...
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: i dont like to think like that....its lame...i eat what i want when i want it
W- Worst Habit: going to the grocery store naked...i always get in trouble...
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: none...i never care if im hurt cus im not a poo poo cry baby
Y-Your favorite food: italian~spagetti n meatballs
Z- Zodiac Sign: cancer

Thursday, June 5, 2008

shelby kai peed on me

i was sp tired last nite i dont even remember walking to my room to go to bed. i was watching lilo and stitch with shelby and i guess i feel asleep and probly slept walked to bed! haha! any way heres how the nite happened...

i woke up in a sweat which i would soon find out wasnt sweat. i was thinking man i am sweating so bad but i feel chilly and i continued to stay under covers. that was the first time i woke up but thru the nite i keept getting these wierd wiffs of pee and im thinking hmmm it must be like a sign i better go pee because i had to really bad anyway. as i am rolling outta bed i roll into a big wet spot and i think what is this?! i smell it and immediatly knew it was pee! i think to myself "did i pee n bed?" i mean what would u think if u woke up and there was no little shelby in ur room so u thought. since i didnt pee i shook cody and asked him if he peed in bed. he was like "what?" all grumpy and thought i was playing around. i told him i was so serious. i was so confused cus shelby wasnt in our bed and i didnt see her in the spot she normally sleeps beside our bed when she gets scared at nite. i dont mind if she comes in our room at nite but i just about never let her sleep in our bed. she has a pee pee protector for her matress and we dont so its our rule we have for her.

as i was on my way to the bathroom i looked in her room and noticed she wasnt there either. i started looking around for her and sat at the edge of our bed when i saw her. she was half way under our bed. i think she peed on me and then was like eww and got outta our bed!

and guess what else? i found out that cody knew she was in our bed the whoe time! that dummy!!! he says he didnt care cus if she peed it would be on myside...i will get him back ;~D

Monday, June 2, 2008

DiNnEr TiMe...

Today was a cute day for me. I went to the mall and even though shelby drove me nuts wanting to push the stroller or get in and out of it, she still managed to make it all better by being so preciously cute and innocent!!! When i was trying on a couple of items she checked her self out in the mirror. the next thing i hear is "oh no!! mommy i have polka dots on my face and on my nose!" i looked down at her and she was pointing at all of her little freckles! i told her that they were'nt polka dots. it was so cute and funny of her....

Then tonite me cody and jeena along with her daughter and mine went to yummi papadaux's! it was alot of fun. this time savanah drove jeena nuts and i got the break. savanah did not wanna sit still in her seat. she screamed until we took her out. luckly she liked cody and he was able to keep her happy off n on. at dinner cody also tried to trick me into eating fried oysters, but hey! i dont roll that way! gross! he said that they tasted like a combo of mush and a sponge...that doesnt sound pleasant to me! haha!

I also just remembered...i dont know how i could have forgotten either :) that we had too much fun at galveston! YAY!!! We all got pink except for our precious little girls. we buried cody....i could never get buried...i feel like i cant breathe just thinking of it!

me n shelby had fun playing n the surf while cody bounce around in the waves to far in for cutie pie shelby to go. we had tons of fun there...i mean who wouldnt! :~)