Friday, March 21, 2008

all my cats

cody just recently got me a cutie pie kitty to help cheer me up. she is white and fluffy and so soft! i luv her so mucho! so far everyone wants to borrow her or wants my kitten to spend the nite with them. that s how slinky soft and pretty she is! i mean seriously have you ever had a kitten that everyone wanted! her name is Lily.

anyway she is my eigth cat i have had since i have been with cody and i have been with him for five years. it doesnt sound good but for some wierd reason they always run away. or the one before had to be put down cus she got a very bad infected tail and when i adopted her it was already bad but i thought with my loving care i could nurse her back to health! my point is that now everyone is like what are you doing with another cat!

hahahahahahahaha! and now that i am actually thinking about it they do always run away! maybe i am petting them too much like elmira from loony tunes! i dont know! now i am so paronoid that lily is gunna run out the door when i have is open for more than thirty seconds! She better not run away! i am so nice to her! i even take her a kitty bath to make her smell good. and i buy her tons of toys!!! and yummy kitty food!

yeah also one of my sister inlaws said "why dont you get a pet that cant run fast like a turtle or a hermit crab?" so i had to tell her about poor little bob barker that died in wyoming. so sad. he was the cutest little turtle ever. i would always let him walk around my house and he would follow me slowly into rooms then i would let him play in the tub. he was tiny. but bob got lost and ended up getting dried out :*(

well i am getting tired of typing and my kitty keeps attacking my legs...ttyl


Anna said...

Oh my gosh, reading your blog makes me love you so much! I'm starting to agree that maybe you need a slower pet. LIke a sloth or something. ANd holy crap, I had a scary dream just like yours-only I don't have a little girl so it was actually my friend but oh my gosh I was freaked when I woke up. And the butterflies-beautiful! I am sending you some pictures as soon as they get printed. I decided to do sendout cause it was cheaper but boy am I getting impatient.